Eddy Decarboniser

Our company Eddy Eco Tech introduces an external device called “EDDY DECARBONISER”. The device designed and manufactured by our company is working with the principle of electrolysis. This device will help to “restore fuel economy, regain vehicle performance, get smooth idling by increasing lambda efficiency, prolonged component life, get immediate drive-away difference”.

Operation of Eddy Decarboniser:

Eddy Decarboniser requires one power source which is battery. Once switch on the device it will start producing green hydroxy gas. The produced gas is fed into the air filter. Then the gas reaches the Engine along with atmospheric air and fuel which helps to burn the fuel to the maximum. So here the combustion stroke of the engine will be more powerful with that power the exhaust stroke emits all the burned fuel.


  1. Above 75 percent reduced emission
  2. Low power requirement
  3. Can support the petrol and diesel engines
  4. Reduction of Carbon Monoxide, Hydro Carbon, Carbon dioxide
  5. Removes carbon deposition at piston, head, rings
  6. Guaranteed reduction of the engine heat
  7. Guaranteed extension of the engine life
  8. Guaranteed improvement in engine performance
  9. Guaranteed for a clean environment
  10. Eco friendly
  11. Drastic reduction of engine rattling noise
  12. Lesser mechanical work
  13. Low processing time (Only 45 to 60 minutes)
  14. Opening the engine not needed
  15. Oil changing not needed

Warranty Details:

Your Product comes with 24 months Warranty – To Ensure that your product remains in the best condition, please follow all the instructed maintenance and the safety instructions. Please save a copy of your invoice and the order details for quick service.

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