Eddy Mileage Enhancer

We can enhance the mileage of the vehicle with our improved mileage enhancer technology. For example, the existing mileage of the truck above 5000 cc is 3 kms/Ltr and which costs you around 95 Rs. With our kit, the truck can travel up to 4 kms/Ltr and there your savings will be more than 30 percent. You will be saving around 36 Rs per Ltr cost vice. For 100 Ltr your savings will be 3600 Rs. In addition to that our device can extend the life of the engine and the oil consumption is less. The same is applicable for all cc vehicles.

1. 30 to 40 percent mileage increment from the existing mileage
2. Reduction in emission
3. Extended Engine life
4. Maintenance free device
5. Supports all four stroke engines
6. Compact design

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